Crystalline Waterproofing Technology - Manufacture Your Own Brand of Crystalline Products
Aviseal Technology Aviseal's innovative technology and market approach provides the opportunity for Companies to manufacture under their own brand label an exclusive and proven crystalline technology. Utilizing a proprietary formulation, Avisealīs unique technology enhances the growth of concrete's own CSH crystals within the pores and capillaries of the concrete to effectively seal the concrete from water intrusion. Aviseal provides this technology and a raw material that are blended together with local materials to create the finished high quality product at a fraction of the cost of purchasing finished products. To learn more about the Aviseal technology, please contact us at
Stop water penetration through concrete permanently! Protect reinforcing steel for the life of the concrete! Reduce the effects of carbonization! Reduce the effects of AAR! Increase the durability of Concrete and Mortar Enjoy the advantages of producing your own waterproofing systems! |